
Keep Calm and Sail On

There are only a couple of days now before we open, and we are ready.  The gallery is brimful of tantalising work; from fresh new paintings and tactile sculptures, to vibrant ceramics, unusual jewellery and unique craft from a variety of materials such as bronze, glass and mohair. In these tumultuous days, the soothing calm of this…

stack of animals

New Summer Exhibition

The sun is out and our new summer exhibition “Flora, Fauna & Folk” is coming together nicely.  The paintings are nearly hung and the new sculptures, glass and ceramics, freshly delivered from Africa this morning, are waiting in a tempting stack to be unwrapped. Talking of stacks, our featured painting above is by Sarah Pratt, a Zimbabwean-born artist, who…

Exhibition Reminder

Because we are all busy, this is just a friendly reminder that our spring exhibition, “In Situ” opens this weekend at 10am on Saturday 2nd April.  The gallery will then be open between 10 and 4 every day, Sundays included, until 4pm on Saturday 16th April.  No appointments are necessary, and being a rural gallery, there…


Spring Dates

Now January is done and dusted, the days are lengthening and bulbs are shooting, we are delighted to look forward towards spring and announce the dates of our new exhibition.  We are reverting to our pre-Covid arrangement of opening and closing on a Saturday and will no longer have any appointments.  However, if anyone wishes to have…