Given the relatively mild weather of late, we have had a chance to get out in the garden at Fillingdon Farm and spruce up things ahead of spring and our gallery opening. It is always satisfactory to cut back dead foliage and clear the beds of last year’s withered growth as the new shoots push boldly upwards underfoot. And of course the roses need to be pruned to have any hope of flowering prolifically this summer. So, it has been all hands to the tools, and wheelbarrow-loads of cuttings have made their way to our compost mound, to rot and pulverise over the coming months to lovely rich, dark compost, with the help of our slithery friends, the earthworms. The fresh, pure white of snowdrops always look so dainty at this time of the year against the dark green grass; but it is an even more welcome sign that spring is on its’ way when the cheerful yellows and mauves of the crocus appear.