
Tools of the Trade

It is a privilege to have access to the inner sanctum of an artist’s studio.  The strong smell of oil paint and turps is usually common to all, but what differs is the state of organisation – or in some cases – lack of it!  Nadia Kisseleva is a very organised artist.  I have never…

Art Fair in the Oxford Town Hall

The star of this show was the building itself.  As one visitor to the recent Oxford International Art Fair put it; “you don’t need the art!”  Lovers of minimalism would gag at the ornamentation, but whatever your personal taste you’ve got to love the exuberance of the Victorians who threw everything at this building –…

Digbys & Digbys

It was a fellow artist who first suggested in 2009 that I look at Jane Digby’s work.  Always curious, my interest was further piqued by sharing the same surname.  And the other artist was right – it was indeed worth looking.  I contacted Jane right away and told her I was shortly due to be…