Zimbabwe stone

Only 3 days remaining

This is a friendly reminder to those who haven’t visited us yet that you have 3 days left to do so.  There is a wealth of beautiful work on show and here are some comments we have received:- “Highly recommended.  Lovely spot and so welcoming.” “Gorgeous work and such variety.  Congratulations on a wonderful exhibition. You…


We are Open!

Our summer exhibition “Freshly Foraged” is now open daily, 10am to 4pm, until the end of Friday 23rd June and you are all very welcome.  The sun is out and our garden sculptures look great, as well as all the fabulous work in the gallery of course.  With such a wide variety of work from…


A sunny reminder

We are almost ready!  The gallery is hung and the outdoor sculptures are being placed in position today.  And most importantly, we are forecast sunshine and warmth for the weekend – guaranteeing a true African welcome! The featured painting in this newsletter is by an artist new to us who I met on my travels earlier…


Your invitation

As activity in the gallery intensifies with cleaning, moving, hanging  and displaying, it is time to formally invite you to attend our forthcoming exhibition which is open next month.  We have so much new ‘freshly foraged’ work to share with you, and as always, the challenge now is to curate and bring it all together in a cohesive, co-ordinated story.…

Monique Day-Wilde

“Freshly Foraged”

With much of the new work a result of my recent foray to Africa, the obvious title for our forthcoming exhibition seemed to be “Freshly Foraged”.  Now stacked in the gallery, I am unpacking a mountain of boxes and photographing, sorting and labelling a diverse wealth of paintings, ceramics, jewellery, sculptures and crafts.  I feel blessed to work with such beauty.…

Mary-Jane Alexander

Dates for June

It is always a pleasure to announce new exhibition dates.  The gallery will be physically open this summer from Saturday 10th to Friday 23rd June inclusive.  It will be an exciting and varied show with plenty of unseen work fresh from our recent foray to Africa. The featured paintings in this newsletter are by a long-standing and favourite artist…