“I was drawn to clay from an early age. However the reality of a having a ‘proper job’ saw me running my own advertising agency for many years in Johannesburg, whilst attending part time ceramics lessons.
Moving to Cape Town, I started evening classes at Frank Joubert Art Centre, furthering my wheel work and learning new techniques through hours of on line searches and videos. This was followed by additional lessons at Montebello Centre, refining my wheel skills.
In 2014 I attended two intensive workshops of a week each at La Meridiana Ceramic School in Tuscany.The first, with well-respected British ceramicist Caroline Genders, involved coiling and surface decoration with vitreous slips.
The second workshop, mentored by Lucca Tripaldi, focused on porcelain, wheel work, surface techniques including shellac and water etching, metallic/ water soluble salts, lustres and sands. And so began the love affair with porcelain, vitreous slips and metallic salts.
My small ceramics studio on my property allows me to spend more time experimenting and working on my own.”