Welcome to the Fillingdon Fine Art paintings gallery.  We hope you enjoy looking at the work, and please do contact us if you require further information on any pieces.

Thank you.

Showing 1–40 of 71 results

Big Tree


Oil painting by Mary-Jane Alexander
canvas 400 mm sq
frame 540 mm sq

Hold Tight


Original print by Polly Hosp 1/5

print 350 x 290 mm
frame size 580 x 510 x 35 mm

One Day More


Original print by Polly Hosp 2/3

print 173 x 265 mm
frame size 380 x 460 x 35 mm

Air Martial


Watercolour by Karen Laurence-Rowe
painting 500 x 710 mm

frame size 730 x 940 mm



Watercolour by Karen Laurence-Rowe
painting 300 mm sq

frame size 510 mm sq

Quick Dip


Watercolour by Karen Laurence-Rowe
painting 300 mm sq

frame size 510 mm sq

Sky Calling


Watercolour by Karen Laurence-Rowe
painting 580 mm sq

frame size 830 mm sq

Sweet Bee


Limited edition print by Julia Cairns 4/150
print 250 mm sq
mount 400 x 380 mm

Tired Mama


Limited edition print by Julia Cairns 1/100
print 190 x 270mm
mount 370 x 460 mm



Original price was: £115.00.Current price is: £95.00.

Mixed media by Nicky Rosselli
stretched canvas 200 mm sq


Fiery Aloe

Original price was: £105.00.Current price is: £80.00.

Mixed media by Nicky Rosselli
board 175 x 125 mm



Original price was: £55.00.Current price is: £40.00.

Limited edition print (7/20) by Bridget Heneck

220 mm sq


Tsaar Bank

Original price was: £55.00.Current price is: £40.00.

Limited edition print (7/20) by Bridget Heneck

220 mm sq



Gouache by Sarah Pratt
painting 841 x 594 mm
frame 890 x 640 x 30 mm


Stand by Me

Original price was: £180.00.Current price is: £115.00.

Limited edition print (18/25) by Vincent Reid
print size 300 x 420 mm
mount size 440 x 560 mm


Prince of Imire

Original price was: £180.00.Current price is: £115.00.

Limited edition print (12/25) by Vincent Reid
print size 420 x 300 mm
mount size 560 x 440 mm


Sweet Nothings

Original price was: £180.00.Current price is: £115.00.

Limited edition print (8/25) by Vincent Reid
print size 420 x 300 mm
mount size 560 x 440 mm


Kudu Bull

Original price was: £165.00.Current price is: £95.00.

Limited edition print (3/25) by Vincent Reid
print size 300 mm
mount size 430 mm sq