Charles was born in 1980 in Mutoko in north-eastern Zimbabwe, a stunning mountainous region where purple lepidolite and the serpentine known as leopard rock are found. Charles has five sisters and two brothers and he is the fifth child. Their father died in 1992, so his mother moved back to her parents in Guruve in northern Zimbabwe, taking the children with her. Guruve is the main town in an area of
very interesting geology and there are many stone sculptors working in the area.

Charles met Obert Marime in Mudhindo near Guruve. Obert was an experienced sculptor who created abstract pieces. Charles was very impressed and interested in this artform and Obert kindly agreed, that they should stay together, so from 2002-2005 Charles worked as his assistant, learning the basic techniques of sculpting. In 2005, with Obert’s encouragement, Charles started to work on his own pieces. Although he was now creating his own work, Charles stayed with Obert until 2012 when he moved to the town of Mvurwi. The benefits of this move were that this bigger town, closer to Harare, had a flow of customers coming through on their way to see various sculptors. Also the mines for the most popular type of serpentine known as springstone, are located on the edge of town. With cheap, easily accessible raw materials and a growing customer base, Charles has made Mvurwi his home.

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