Collette Hurt

Based in Prince Albert, in the Karoo desert of South Africa, Collett loves collecting, and she only works with found and upcycled materials.


Her signature pieces are ‘trophy heads’ made from repurposed objects, and her ‘bull characters’ which she creates from found glass, stones and pebbles, and pottery shards animated with wire.


The stark, majestic beauty of the Karoo is an inspiration to the large local creative community, and Collette, like many, hikes in the wilderness and draws on nature in its most raw and purest form.


“I take great pleasure in my work, which involves frequent foraging missions, tetanus shots, and a scrapyard in the back yard!”


She is moving shortly to a new studio in an exciting artistic space on the outskirts of the small town, which will no doubt become a new hub of creativity.

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