Nicola Christodoulides

Nicola Christodoulides is a self-taught, Cape Town based, visual artist. The key to this door was the moment she discovered felt-making in 2002.

Although her approach is multi-disciplinary and experimental, it is the magic of crossing that threshold moment when fibres become fabric, that informs much of her artistic practice.

Alchemy of materials, maker and viewer have always fascinated her, and her chosen medium varies, depending on what will best allow her to create work that is intuitive, subtle and layered.

Through combining ancient or traditional processes (such as spinning, stitching, felt-making, creating her own inks, pigments, paints, dyes, papers or tools) with those that are new or innovative, Nicola playfully investigates transformation and our unique and universal stories, while skipping to and fro across that blurry line that exists between art and craft.

Nicola’s work is held in private collections in South Africa, the United States and the United Kingdom. She has exhibited in Australia, Italy, Finland, South Africa and the United Kingdom.

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